Stress and Weight Gain

Problems with overweight are complex, and it is wise to develop a solution approach that matches an individual’s background, habits, goals and personality.  But, in every case, stress management is a key factor in reaching a successful outcome.

When you feel stressed, your midbrain reacts as if a physical threat were present, exactly like when our remote ancestors were confronted with a saber-toothed tiger.  A neural shortcut instantly mobilizes your body for survival, initiating the stress response and telling you it’s time to fight for your life or run to safety.   A cascade of hormones begins to pour into your system, and your body chemistry is altered in ways that can cause you to gain weight.

Chronic stress overstimulates the adrenal glands to produce cortisol, which creates a wide range of negative effects, including suppression of the immune system. Most disturbing for weight watchers, cortisol promotes the breakdown of muscle, bone and connective tissue, resulting in a reduction in muscle mass and a corresponding increase in the amount of fat deposits, especially on the stomach and face.

Various scientific studies have shown that chronic stress increases the risk of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and elevated lipid levels.  But chronic stress can also make you hungry.  Why is this? Because until recent times, famine has been an ongoing issue in human experience, and the midbrain may sometimes  interpret chronic stress as being the result of a famine, prompting you to seek out sources of food, especially foods high in caloric value, the so-called “comfort foods”.

If you want to lose extra pounds and maintain a healthy weight, hypnosis can help you to manage stress and avoid its most negative consequences.

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